Communication Tips

Having trouble deciding whether to send an email, make a phone call, or communicate face to face? Andrea Wojnicki, who is an executive communication coach and the host of Talk About Talk podcast, has all the answers you need when it comes to communicating with others online and in-person! 

In the Communicating Online textbook, it suggests that, "Talking on the phone takes too much time" (Green, page 211). That being said, in some situations it might be the more efficient media of choice. During Wojnicki's podcast, one of her listeners, Mike, asks her for advice on a communication issue he is observing at his office. Mike explains that his staff constantly sends emails back and worth instead of having a meeting that would solve their issues in a less time consuming manner. Wojnicki then goes on to explain how to determine what type of media to use depending on the who, what, and why (Wojnicki, 2023). The who includes who one is talking to, what the other individual's preferred method of communication is, how old they are, where they are physically located, and what kind of relationship one has with the other person. The what regards what the topic is about. For example, if the topic is sensitive or confidential information. The why concerns the context of the topic. For example, if the topic is urgent, non-urgent, and why the topic is being brought up in the first place. So let's put Wojnicki's method into practice by making up a scenario. Say you are working in the office and just found out that a close family member is in the hospital due to a car accident and you need to leave work immediately to go see them. The who would be your boss who is currently at the office as well, the what would be communicating that you need to leave work immediately to go see the family member, and the why would be explaining the urgency of the situation. Now, according to Wojnicki's method, what is the best form of action? Due to both individuals being in close proximity, it would make the most sense to go straight to the boss's office and have a face-to-face conversation compared to sending an email. In conclusion, if you are struggling to determine what form of communication to use, use Wojnicki's method! 

To listen to Andrea Wojnicki's podcast, click the link below!


Wojnicki, A. (Jan 8, 2023). Communication Media: Which medium is best for you? (Episode 118) Spotify. Retrieved from:

Green, J. M. (2017). Communication and Technology. In Communicating online (p. 211). essay, McGraw Hill Education Create.


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