Online Arguments

 Ben Shapiro argues with interviewer about the topic of transgenders and anti-abortion rights. 

Link to YouTube video of the argument:

I chose this argument because I think these are two very important topics that should be discussed so awareness can be raised. It was extremely depressing to hear Shapiro's views on these topics and the large crowd in front of him clapping and cheering him on. We will be analyzing the comments regarding Shapiro's argument with the interviewer. 

-One concern I have regarding this argument is that people are heavily praising and defending Shapiro who was being extremely rude and condescending to the 22-year-old asking the questions. 
-For example, she would calmly and politely ask a question, and Shapiro would respond by laughing at her. 

-A second concern I have is that if people are praising and defending him at this level, then are also supporting his rude and condescending ways?   
-For example, say one of the commenters who was saying they "LOVE" Shapiro, starts acting like him or starts telling people it is okay to act that way because Shapiro acts like that. 

-A third concern I have with this online argument is regarding not being accepting of others and also not wanting to support those who are in need. 
-Shapiro said that women should not have the right to have an abortion even in cases of rape and incest. Shapiro should not be praised for such a statement. Shapiro also displayed his nonacceptance of transgender individuals.Shapiro is promoting to not be accepting of others or help others in difficult situations. 


1. Argue within a direct chat so you can focus on one argument at a time, compared to dealing with hundreds of comments from other individuals. 

2. Focus on the topic you are debating instead of using unnecessary bullying. 

3. Remember that everything you post online is permanent.

4. Only argue about something you are confident in discussing. 

5. Take your time replying and make sure you understand the other individual's argument as well. 


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